Come Fly With Us.

Some frequently asked questions

Below are some of our more frequently asked questions, if your question is not found below please do not hesitate to contact us.

 How much will it cost to get my license?

Gliding is one of the cheapest means of flying, one does not pay for an instructors time and the costs are reduced by operating as a club. The cost of getting a license will depend on how readily one picks up gliding, an average individual will spend about R17’000.00 over two years on getting their license, this depends from person to person.  One does not pay upfront but will receive a monthly account.

How long will it take to get my license?

This depends from person to person, some go solo fairly quickly while others take years. The time it takes you will depend on how often you come and how quickly you pick it up, the same can be said for getting ones license.

 Can anyone fly?

Unfortunately not, although we can take most up for a flip there are certain restrictions. We can not take up anyone who is over 100kg; other than this we have taken up children to grandparents. To get your license you will have to be over the age of 16, under 100kgs and pass a basic aviation medical.

 Can my husband and I go up together?

Unless one of you is a air experience instructor with a valid glider pilots license you will have to go up one at a time as all our aircraft are two seaters and your pilot needs to sit somewhere.

Once I have my license will I have to get my own aircraft?

No many of our club members just use club equipment, however, you do have to wait your turn to fly so if you can afford it you may want to think of getting your own aircraft.

How much does a glider cost?

Prices range from 50 or 60 thousand up to a couple of million depending on if you are looking at a brand new, modern racing glider or a older wood and stick aircraft.